Amidst the shadows of Canada's troubling past with residential schools, Pope Francis embarked on a "penitential pilgrimage" in 2022, offering apologies on behalf of the Catholic Church. Interpreter Maggie Putulik, amidst a team of diverse linguistic experts, played a pivotal role in ensuring the Pope's profound message reached hearts across Canada. Andrew Warner delves deep into the behind-the-scenes preparations, the emotions, and the resonance of this historic visit in this month's issue for MultiLingual.
In his latest column for MultiLingual, Tim Brookes of the Endangered Alphabets Project decides to take a look at how ChatGPT fares when it...
Earlier this week, the United Kingdom-based company Adaptive Globalization announced the winners of the 2022 Best Employers in Localization Awards (BELA), which award language...
In this episode, Casper Grafuhl, President of Oxford Languages, discusses the journey behind choosing Oxford's Word of the Year and how it highlights cultural...