This captivating narrative by Joan Dans, takes listeners on an unexpected journey into the heart of the voiceover industry, unraveling its dramatic transformation over the past three decades.
Experience firsthand the seismic shifts caused by technology, from reel-to-reel tapes to AI voices, and venture into uncharted territory as Joan ponders the destiny of this dynamic field.
TIME Magazine recognized three language-industry products in its “Best Inventions of 2023” list, underscoring the importance of multilingual communication, accessibility, and inclusion in today’s...
Earlier this month, Australian politician Mark McGowan received harsh criticism for a video campaign intended to disseminate COVID-19-related information to Aboriginal people living in...
In this piece, Dr. Miguel Cerna of Verve Translations does a point-by-point analysis of a previous MultiLingual article on LangOps, providing critiques and commentaries...