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CITLoB president Sandeep Nulkar on partnership with ATC
In March, the UK-based Association of Translation Companies (ATC) and the Indian Confederation of Interpreting, Translation, and Localisation Businesses (CITLoB) announced a new partnership...

NOOR, the new largest NLP model for the Arabic language
The Technology Innovation Institute (TII), an Abu Dhabi-based research center, recently announced the development of NOOR, the largest Arabic-language natural language processing (NLP) model...

Bet you didn't know that much of your English is actually Dutch
Although Dutch might be spoken by only around 28 million people worldwide, the official language of Belgium and the Netherlands has left a considerable...

What AI could tell us about language evolution
If you’ve ever read the work of William Shakespeare, you should be fairly familiar with the phenomenon of language change. Now, a recent study...

Weekly Review — April 15, 2022 — Olivier Marcheteau
Olivier Marcheteau gives an in-depth interview about Acolad's acquisition of Ubiqus.

Department of Justice files statement of interest on language access and housing
According to the plaintiff CNY Fair Housing, a nonprofit that advocates for tenants’ rights, an apartment complex in Syracuse refused to rent apartments to...